Thursday, October 7, 2010


Maybe it stands for Restaurant - 2 Liberty?  Not sure.  All I know is that this bar/restaurant is on the 37th floor of 2 Liberty Place in Center City Philadelphia.  It's been two weeks since I went to R2L for happy hour.  Since it took me two weeks to blog about it, it's obvious my work has almost completely consumed me.  That is why sneaking out for a work happy hour on a Thursday night two weeks ago was a real treat.

R2L - my pick after having read about it - is glossy and shiny and hip.  Perhaps a bit too "see and be seen here" hip.  Although, I confess I went to see also, but not so much the people.  I wanted to see the view.  And what a view it was.

Years ago it was possible to have drinks and dinner at the Top of Centre (not a typo) Square in Philadelphia (by the clothespin for those who know Philly).  Cable giant Comcast took over that space for offices, I believe, so the view from Centre Square has been long gone.  I really anticipated seeing such a view again.  Since I got to R2L around 5:45, I got to see the sunset.  It was beautiful.  Before that, I got to peer into Franklin Field in West Philly, noticed rooftop pools, saw planes seemingly hanging in mid-air as they floated above the airport, and generally got a view of the Philadelphia skyline that I don't see often.  I would go back to R2L just for that.
The food and drinks were reasonable.  The bar snacks were $6, beer bottles were $3, and wine by the glass was $6.  Truly less expensive than I imagined for this space.  (This happy hour deal is Monday - Thursday from 4:30 - 6:30.)  I shared a few appetizers with my colleagues but the most memorable was the rabbit tacquitos.  The flavor was not a "wow!" flavor but I appreciated the attempt to do something different.

R2L is Chef Daniel Stern's labor of love.  I couldn't remember where I had heard that name before and I googled him.  Turns out he was the chef at Gayle (3rd and South Streets), which closed in September 2009.  Stern now is now at Midatlantic (37th and Market Streets) in West Philadelphia as well as at R2L.

Whether you go with a special someone or a group of friends, or even by yourself after a trying day, go to R2L and soak in the view.  It won't break your budget and, at least for awhile, it will take your mind off anything that may be consuming you.

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