Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cruising NYC

Today was a "get to know the island" day.  The destination was the three-hour tour (cue the Gilligan's Island music) on the Circle Line (at 42nd and 12th) for a circumnavigation of the island.

The tour was from 3-6p but I had read, and the ticket seller recommended, getting in line about 1 hour before the boat left.  Great recommendation.  This enabled us to get a seat upstairs and out of the chilly wind.  (Try to sit on the left side of the boat for unimpeded views of Manhattan.)  I enjoyed the tour and learned some new information.  It was challenging, however, in that the tour guide didn't enunciate words and I sometimes had to strain to hear him.  There were quite a few children on the tour and some of them - as well as some adults - obviously got restless...and louder.  I'm so glad I wasn't sitting downstairs by the snack bar.  When I went down there to use the restroom it was so loud I never would have heard the narration.

Dinner was at Cosette on 33rd and 3rd, a charming French bistro with delicious yet reasonably priced food. Found a great bottle of red that I hope to be able to get in the future. (Not always an easy thing with Pennsylvania's archaic liquor laws.) The wine is a Domaine Pere Caboche Cotes du Rhone 2009. I found it online for about $10 - $12 but it looks like the wine store I thought would have it (Total Wines in Delaware) does not carry it. I have to ask a friend of mine in NJ if the great wine store by her carries it.

Back at the apartment, the moon was surprisingly low and red.  By the time we got the camera figured out, it had risen a bit and become less red, but still interesting nonetheless.

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